Abyss Phuket

Phuket Real Estate For short and long term Rent & Sale, ThailandAbyssPhuket.com- Phuket Real Estate For Rent & Sale - Melki.Biz - Consulting, SEO & Web Design in Phuket

After a severe hack and a well needed update to their extensive real estate website, we assisted AbyssPhuket in the cleanup, update and transfer of their website.

All the issues are now corrected and their new website is secured with an SSL Encrytpion key, cached and optimised.
Here are the main features:

  • Responsive grid, adapts to any type of device (smartphones, tablets, PC…)
  • Google Analytics
  • SEO integrated module
  • Specialised Real Estate module
  • Advanced Caching system
  • Automatic daily remote back-up for increased security
  • Multilingual engine WPML
  • SSL Encryption Key

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